Does e-Procure charge fees for buyers?
What are the security measures taken for securing the smart contract details?
Is the smart contract legally binding?
How can I implement e-Procure in my business?
What are the milestone payments?
Can I save my buyers list in my system?
What are the key factors of a smart contract?
Can an expert check the payment history and save the invoices?
Do I directly pay to my supplier?
What are the measures taken by e-Procure to protect my business information?
Can I track my order?
I’m an Expert. How can I list myself in the platform?
What are the payment methods e-Procure offers?
Can I specify my hourly charges? If yes, from where?
How is the payment method secured?
Does e-Procure charge fees for suppliers?
What are the measures taken to protect my financial transactions?
Do you provide a 24/7 customer service? and is it free?
Can smart contracts be amended or updated?
Is the expiry duration specified in a smart contract?
Can I view the charges in my billing history, and print past billing statements?
Do you provide the supplier’s rating with their profile details?
What does e-Procure require from all suppliers?